Thursday, February 5, 2009


February 1 & 2, 2009 Sea and Gibraltar

We celebrated Barrett’s birthday today with all the young children on the ship. We were anchored alongside a fuel barge, bunkering at Gibraltar. We could see the “rock.” Barrett had a big chocolate ice cream cake carried in on our Jamaican waiter Mezraim’s head! The kids all played “Speedy Beep” with a big balloon ball that Eli gave Barrett. Barrett learned to hold up three fingers for his age by holding his pinky with his thumb.
An extra day was spent at Gibraltar. The fueling had not been possible due to rough weather. There were at least two dozen ships waiting there, maybe as many as fifty.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ho, Les & Judy

My first check on your progress. Sounds and looks like you are having the time of your lives! The photos are great, and I enjoyed Judy's descriptions of places. Will be trying to keep up weekly with your adventures.

See any fishing along the way?


Anonymous said...

Oh, my...finally dug through my towering desk pile after the smARTist Telesummit and found your "Roller Coaster" Christmas greeting with this blogspot! Leave it to you two to use technology to tie us all together.

Not only are the photos wonderful (too bad we can't upload photos in the comments!), and your yummy writing, Judy, but I'm loving the comments, esp. seeing Joe Lawton's (*waving hand*...Hi Joe, Ariane Neiman, APU 1963 here!).

I'm in the thick of a full blown career (such a late bloomer!), with 70+ hr work weeks (lovin' every sec!), so getting to keep up with your travels in our Virtual World is a treat beyond compare.

I'll log back in when I need a whiff of Old Times and perennial Good Friends!

Next year, one of my speakers for smARTist will be on how artists can use Cruise Ships to pop their career into the next gear.